Maitland Level 2b

Manual Therapy course

Get to know the program

The IMTA offers an 11-week training course over a total of 440 hours. The course consists of four modules. Our courses teach physiotherapists to adopt a problem-orientated approach when treating patients with movement dysfunctions. In all of the courses participants examine and treat patients under supervision. The course instructors carry out practical demonstrations of patient treatment. In a variety of European countries IMTA courses are a prerequisite for obtaining a qualification in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (OMT) in accordance with IFOMT guidelines (IFOMT = International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapists).


2-week advanced course

Participants must have:

MTA Level 2a certificate or DVMT 1e certificate. Participants are recommended to have at least six months clinical experience between Level 2a and Level 2b.


600 EURO each 1200 EURO whole course

Course content:

  • Deeper understanding of knowledge gained on Level 1 and Level 2a courses.
  • Critical evaluation of the Maitland® Concept
  • Advanced skills in examination and treatment of movement system by adopting problem-orientated approach and making multiple hypotheses.
  • Manipulation technique (grade V) with indications and contra-indications.
  • Advanced examination and treatment of neurodynamic structures.
  • Introduction to the principles of dynamic stability of the spine.
  • Advanced understanding of neurophysiological pain mechanisms including chronic pain syndromes.
  • Further examination and treatment of selected clinical syndromes.
  • Advanced clinical reasoning.

Course dates:

Group 12 Gdańsk - Danzig


Instructors: Thomas Horre and Stefan Schiller

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Week 6

21 - 25 September 2024

Zapisy zakończone

Group 13 Warsaw - waiting list


Instructors: Thomas Horre and Ralf Schesser

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Week 7

22 - 26 October 2024

Week 8

29 January - 2 February 2025

Group 14 Warsaw


Instructors: Thomas Horre and Ralf Schesser

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Week 7

2 - 6 June 2025

Week 8

5 - 9 October 2025

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