Functional glenohumeral instability within the Maitland Concept

Get to know the program

Patients with a glenohumeral instability are often classified in either dislocation or subluxation. In recent years the realisation has risen that within the subgroup of subluxation there is a large percentage where the structural instability component is very subtle („hidden“, „occult“). This „minor“ instability component can be so subtle that the patient does not realise that there is an instability; but the insufficient centralisation of the humeral head on the glenoid fossa may lead to an overuse and subsequent microtraumata of the stabilising structures or may lead to a secondary impingement. The subtle instability is only apparent under functional loads when the examiner challenges the ability of the patient to maintain the humeral head centered. For the managment of patients with shoulder problems it is essential to differentiate whether there is a dysfunction in this ability.


3 Days (approx. 35% Theory and approx. 65% practical)


physiotherapists or doctors


400 Euro

The goal of this course is:

  • To present classification systems of shoulder dysfunction
  • To revise relevant aspects of anatomy
  • To show and practise specific shoulder instability tests
  • To show and practise specific muscle function tests around the shoulder
  • To present classical clinical patterns of different types of shoulder dysfunctions
  • To revise and practise the physical examination of the shoulder complex
  • To show and practise specific nerve tests around the shoulder
  • To show and practice differential diagnosis between different types of impingements
  • To present an overall treatment/management programme of shoulder dysfunctions
  • To show and practice Manual Therapy mobilisation techniques specific for functional shoulder instability
  • To show and practice specific muscular rehabilitation exercises for functional shoulder instability.

1. Day

09.00 – 10.30 Classification and definitions of functional shoulder instability
10.50 – 12.30 Specific shoulder structural instability tests
13.30 – 15.00 Causes of functional shoulder instability
15.20 – 17.30 Physical examination (Inspection and Palpation)

2. Day

08.30 – 10.30 Physical Examination (active movements)
10.50 – 12.30 Specific Isometric tests and Muscle function tests
13.30 – 15.00 Patient demonstration
15.15 – 17.30 Management of functional shoulder instability

3. Day

08.30 – 10.30 Treatment techniques of joint dysfunction
10.45 – 12.30 Treatment techniques of muscle dysfunction
12.30 – 13.00 Last questions and discussion


Pieter Westerhuis B.PT, PT OMTsvomp®, IMTA Principal Teacher

Date of the course

Group 2 Gdańsk


Instruktor: Pieter Westerhuis




19 – 21 June 2023

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