Thomas Horre
MSc, PT, OMPT-DVMT® IMTA Senior Teacher
Thomas completed his physiotherapy training at the state school for Physiotherapy in Hanover, Germany in 1995. From 1995 to 2001 he gained professional experience in a musculoskeletal outpatients clinic where he advanced to superintendent physiotherapist. From 2002 – 2009 Thomas has been working in his own physiotherapy practice in Osnabruck. In 2002 he attained his OMT qualification with the Deutscher Verband für Manuelle Therapie (Maitland-Konzept) e.V (DVMT) in Germany. Thomas qualified as a teacher with the International Maitland Teachers Association (IMTA) in 2007. Since 2014 he is an IMTA Senior Teacher. He is teaching principally in Germany & Poland. Currently Thomas continues to practise clinically as a freelancer in a private practice in Hamburg. He has been a member of the executive committee of the Deutscher Verband für Manuelle Therapie (Maitland-Konzept) e.V (DVMT®) from 2003 – 2010 and was from 2007 – 2011 a member of the OMT-DVMT® commission. Thomas is also working as a recognized clinical supervisor in the OMT training of the DVMT®. From 2008 – 2011 Thomas was a student in the MSc programme of the Danuba university of Krems, Austria. His main areas of special interest include the management of patients with chronic pain.

Pieter Westerhuis
B.PT, PT OMTsvomp®, Nauczyciel Principal IMTA
Pieter graduated as a physiotherapist in Holland in 1981. Shortly afterwards he moved to Switzerland and has since worked in a number of hospitals and physiotherapy practices there. Pieter qualified as a teacher with the International Maitland Teachers Association (IMTA) in 1988 and was made Senior Teacher in 1991. Since 1997 he has been a Principal IMTA Teacher. Pieter has published numerous articles and book contributions on various subjects. Currently Pieter continues to work in private practice in Langendorf, Switzerland and teaches postgraduate manipulative therapy in Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Poland, Netherlands, Germany and Austria. His special interests include the management of cervical headache, cervical instability, whiplash associated disorders and shoulder instability versus impingement syndrome.

Christian Voith
TEACHER – Christian Voith was born in Klagenfurt/Austria. He graduated from the Academy for Physiotherapy in 1990.
Afterwards he worked in different clinics, hospitals and practices in Germany for ten years. During this time he participated in a postgraduate Manual Therapy program (certificate 1994) and graduated at the European Academy for orthopedic manual therapy in Germany with the OMT (IFOMPT)-Diploma in 1997.
1998 he began his CRAFTA® education in clinical management of temporomandibular, craniocervical and craniofacial dysfunction and pain. Since 1992 he teaches at the academy for physiotherapy (Bad Säckingen/Germany; Klagenfurt/Austria).
During this time he absolved an educational qualification for qualified teachers. Since 1999 he is part of the teaching staff of the Kaltenborn – Evjenth – system in orthopedic manual therapy.
Since his return to Klagenfurt in 1999 he works in his own practice. Here he works with orthopedic patients and treats patients after sports injuries. His personal interest is in patients with dysfunctions and pain in the craniocervical and craniofacial region. Additionally he treats children with complaints in this region.
Since December 2008 he is official teacher for CRAFTA® basic courses.

Marianna Białek
Physiotherapist, the title of doctor of medical sciences at the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw in 2001. The author and instructor of training “Scoliosis treatment according to the PNF Method” in the years 2001-2003. Since 2002, organizer of rehabilitation stays for children with scoliosis and Scheuerman’s disease. Co-author and instructor of training in scoliosis treatment according to the FITS Method since 2004. A member of SOSORT since 2006. Numerous presentations at conferences in Poland as well as abroad (Boston, Athens, Lyon, Milan, Wiesbaden, Dubrovnik). Author of publications on the results of scoliosis treatment in the Scoliosis Journal and Medicine.
Completed training in scoliosis therapy:
BSPTS – Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School
SEAS – Scientific Exercises Approach to Scoliosis
Osteopathic approach in the treatment of scoliosis
Myofascial release in thoracic area, working with scoliosis
Completed training in other fields:
manual therapy,
osteophatics techniques,
cranio-sacral therapy,
trigget points therapy,
fascial therapy,
soft tissue therapy,
myofascial trains according to Myers,
myofascial release in thoracic area,
post mastectomy therapy,
physiotherapy for children with cystic fibrosis,
fascial and membrane connections between the locomotor system, visceral and cranio-sacral system,
osteopathic visceral therapy,
dry needling .

Andrzej M’hango
Mgr D.O.
A graduate of the Academy of Physical Education in Wrocław and five-year osteopathic studies at Sutherland Collage of Osteopathic Medicine. Co-author and instructor of training in scoliosis treatment according to the FITS Method since 2004. A member of SOSORT since 2006. Numerous presentations at conferences in Poland as well as abroad (Boston, Athens, Barcelona, Wiesbaden, Dubrovnik, Istanbul).
Completed training in scoliosis therapy:
BSPTS – Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School
ISST International Schroth 3D Scoliosis Therapy part I
Osteopathic approach in the treatment of scoliosis
Pediatric osteopathy
Myofascial release in thoracic area, working with scoliosis
Certified manual therapist (Postgraduate Education Medical Center),certified GDS (Chaines Musculaires et Articulaires) therapist, FDM (Fascial Distortion Model) methods, Kinesiotaping, Trigger Point Theraphy therapist, international PNF therapist.
Participant of domestic and foreign specialist courses in the field of physiotherapy and manual therapy (over 70) and postgraduate master courses in osteopathy (over 30).

Grzegorz Magoń
Dr n. o kult. fiz. specjalista fizjoterapii, dyplomowany terapeuta manualny OMPT-DVMT
Grzegorz Magoń to doświadczony praktyk oraz wykładowca z zakresu Fizjoterapii. Od 15 lat z powodzeniem pomaga pacjentom w zespołach bólowych i przeciążeniowych układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, uzupełniając terapię o metody neurorozwojowe. Wiedzę i doświadczenie w terapii manualnej zdobył na licznych szkoleniach i stażach w Polsce i za granicą. O wielu lat prowadzi szkolenia w Polsce i za granicą z zakresu diagnostyki i terapii kręgosłupa w różnych jednostkach chorobowych. Jest dyplomowanym terapeutą manualnym w trakcie programu OMT IMTA. Zintegrowane Metody Fizjoterpaii

Karol Szapel
Fizjoterapeuta neuro-ortopedyczny z ponad 14-letnim doświadczeniem klinicznym i ponad 10-letnim doświadczeniem nauczycielskim. Jego priorytetem jest zaangażowanie uczestników w proces uczenia się oraz przekazywanie wiedzy tak, aby uczestnik przede wszystkim rozumiał, nie tylko poznawał suche fakty, techniki i sztuczki terapeutyczne.
Organizator ponad 125 szkoleń, prowadzący projekty naukowe przy Polskiej Akademii Nauk (PAN), współzałożyciel i kilkuletni dyrektor FICO Polska.

Anna Gawryszewska D.O.
Mgr D.O.
Absolwentka Wydziału Rehabilitacji Ruchowej AWF Warszawa.
Ukończyła pięcio letnie studia podyplomowe z osteopatii w Sutherland College of Osteopatic Medicine ( obecnie PAO Osteon) pierwszej szkole osteopatii w Polsce.
W 2002 roku zdała egzamin na pierwszy stopień specjalizacji w zakresie rehabilitacji ruchowej.
Obecnie realizuje kurs uzupełniający specjalizacji z zakresu fizjoterapii.
Od 2008 r związana z Polską Akademią Osteopatii Osteon najpierw jako asystent od siedmiu lat jest wykładowcą anatomii palpacyjnej.
Od 2008r asystentka Francisa Lafosse’a współpracowała z nim m inn.w PAO Osteon, Versus Medicus, SOMA Istituto Osteopatia w Mediolanie.
Od 2009r regularnie uczestniczyła w warsztatach anatomii sekcyjnej na VUB w Brukseli.
Od siedmiu lat asystentka anatomii sekcyjnej w zespole Francisa Lafosse’a na Philipps University w Marburgu. Asystuje w zajęciach sekcyjnych prowadzonych na uniwersytecie dla studentów osteopatii (GICOM) i w kursach podyplomowych dla osteopatów (GERAP)
Uczestniczka wielu szkoleń podyplomowych z zakresu diagnostyki i terapii osteopatycznej.
Uczestniczy regularnie w wykładach z zakresu anatomii prowadzonych przez prof Franka Willarda

Matthew Newton
MCSP, HPC Reg., MMACP, Dip Injection Therapy, IMTA Teacher
Matthew graduated as a Physiotherapist from Sheffield in the UK in 1988. He then stayed in the area for a few years and worked in a hospital setting before moving to Canada in 1992, where he worked in a private practice. After a few years he returned to the UK and worked in various hospitals. He achieved a post graduate certificate in manual therapy from Sheffield Hallam University in 1996 and then went onto the International Maitland Teachers’ Association (IMTA) course programme which he completed in 2001. From 2002 he has been involved with the IMTA teacher training programme and has taught in the UK, Finland and Poland. He gained his OMT qualification in 2005 and became a member of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP). As well as working independently as a private practitioner, Matthew currently works in the Doncaster area as a lead clinician in a hospital physiotherapy department and in an extended role as a specialist Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Practitioner. In this role he has gained experience in requesting medical investigations such as blood tests, x-rays, MRI scans etc. He is also qualified in the administration of steroid injections. Matthew qualified as an IMTA teacher in 2013 and has since taught courses in the UK, Spain, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. He also has plans to teach in Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia and Mexico. He was the Consulting Editor for the current editions of Maitland’s Vertebral Manipulation (8th Ed.) and Maitland’s Peripheral Manipulation (5th Ed.). In addition he co-authored the chapter on management of shoulder and shoulder girdle disorders in the latter text.

Adrian Kudżał
Dr n. o kult. fiz. dyplomowany terapeuta manualny OMPT-DVMT

Sandra Baumgärtner
OMPT DVMT, MSc. musculoskeletal physiotherapie MSc. musculoskeletal physiotherapy, OMT, dipl. PT, IMTA teacher
Sandra absolvierte 2004 ihre Ausbildung zur Physiotherapeutin in Graz / Österreich. Von 2004 bis 2010 arbeitete sie in Graz und Umgebung in einem privaten physikalischen Institut sowie als selbständig tätige Therapeutin in einer Praxisgemeinschaft und sammelte Erfahrung im ambulanten und vorwiegend orthopädischen Bereich. 2010 zog sie nach Bad Freienwalde / Deutschland und arbeitet dort seither in einer Praxis als freie Mitarbeiterin und fokussiert sich dabei vorwiegend auf muskuloskelettale Probleme. 2011 schloss sie die OMT-Ausbildung und das MSc. (musculoskeletal physiotherapy) Studium an der Donau Universität Krems ab. Sandra qualifizierte sich im September 2017 als Lehrerin in der International Maitland Teachers Association (IMTA) und unterrichtet in Deutschland, Polen und Litauen